1. Knowledge that we gain from school is called : ( U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2017

(a) Procedural memory (b) Semantic memory (c) Declarative memory (d) Episodic memory

Ans. (b) Semantic memory contains all of the general knowledge about our world that we accumulated throughout our lives. General knowledge such as facts, ideas, meanings and concepts related to our world are stored in semantic memory. It is a subset of long-term memory. So, the knowledge we gain from school is included in semantic memory.

2. Mental activity, that goes on in the brain when a person is processing information, is called ?

(a) mentation b) a concept c) thinking (d) mental imagery

Ans. (c) Mental activity that goes on in the brain when a person is organizing and attempting to understand information and communicating information to others is called thinking. Thinking exists as the top mental activity demonstrated by man. All human accomplishments and advancement come as the result of thought. Civilization, knowledge, science and technology arise from the thinking process, thought and activity is inseparable.

3. Development of the natural systems is described as :

a) Function of the systems (b) Evolution of the systems (c) Self-sustained process of the systems. (d) None of the above

Ans. (c) The natural system regulates natural functions. So, the development of the natural system is defi ned as self–sustained process of the system.

4. Insectivorous fish used for mosquito control is :

(a) Hilsa (b) Labeo (c) Gambusia (d) Mystus

Ans. (c) Gambusia is the large genus of fish in family Poeciliidae . The release of Gambusia into ponds and wells helps in controlling the mosquitoes. Gambusia is known for controlling mosquito populations or mosquito- borne diseases. Gambusia fish eats the mosquitoes larva and eggs, which helps in controlling the mosquitoes diseases like dengue and malaria.

5 Study of Zoology deals with :

(a) Living animals only (b) Living plants only (c) Both living and dead animals. (d) Both living and dead plants ( U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1995

Ans. (c)

6. The scientifi c study of insects is known as :

(a) Ichthyology (b) Entomology (c) Parasitology (d) Malacology

Ans. (b)

7. The comparative study of the diff erent cultures and the scientifi c explanation is known as

(a) Ethnology (b) Ethnography (c) Ethology. (d) Ethics
Ans. (a)

8. The study of properties and method of biological systems found in nature and use of this knowledge in mechanical world is known as (a) Bionics (b) Bionomics (c) Bionomy (d) Biometry.

Ans. (a

Bionics – Study of properties and method of biological systems found in nature and use of this knowledge in mechanical world. Bionomics – Comprehensive study of an organism and its relation to its environment. Bionomy – Study of laws of life Biometry – Statistical study of biological problem.

9. In Vermiculture, the worm used is ( U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005

(a) Tapeworm. (b) Silkworm. (c) Threadworm (d) Earthworm

Ans. (d)

10 Study of bones, are under which branch of science? ( U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1990

(a) Osteology (b) Orology (c) Serology. (d) Geology

Ans. (a)

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